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Developing Low Carbon Offices in Greater Paris

 © Woodeum / Bouygues Construction.

Ancre 1

- Overview - 

ICAWOOD develops low carbon offices in the Greater Paris region 

ICAWOOD results from an exclusive alliance of ICAMAP and WO2 (a subsidiary of WO2 Holding, formerly the Woodeum Group), to form a real estate investment fund dedicated to the development of low carbon offices in the Greater Paris region.

ICAWOOD combines more than 60 years of real estate development trackrecord, with the unique, highly experienced, complementary leadership of Guillaume Poitrinal (President of ICAMAP) and Philippe Zivkovic (President of WO2).

Alongside the managing partners of ICAMAP, ICAWOOD gathers 12 leading investors, with two sovereign wealth funds, five European insurance companies, and five family offices. ICAWOOD has raised €750 million of equity capital, for an overall investment capacity of €1.6 billion, enabling it to develop between 200,000 to 300,000 sqm of low-carbon offices by 2028 in the Greater Paris region.

ICAWOOD will mandate WO2 to act as Technical Project Manager on its development opportunities, relying on WO2's specific know-how in the use of low-carbon construction materials and techniques, including Cross-Laminated Timber ("CLT").

- Reducing Real Estate CO2 Emissions - 

ICAWOOD is aligned to the acute environmental challenge of the real estate industry to monitor and moderate its carbon footprint 

Created after the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, the Greater Paris region is now committed to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

Currently, real estate represents almost a quarter of the Greater Paris region's greenhouse gases emissions (source: AIRPARIF), and over a building's entire life cycle, 60% of the CO2 is emitted during the construction phase.

As a unique real estate investment fund, focused on low carbon office development, ICAWOOD is taking part in the Greater Paris region green transition.

ICAWOOD will use the low-carbon construction techniques developed by WO2, including Cross-Laminated Timber ("CLT"). CLT is a fully certified, engineered solid wood, building material. CLT acts as an overall carbon trap, as it stores the COinitially absorbed by trees during their life through photosynthesis. 

In addition, ICAWOOD will benefit from CLT's technical attributes :

  • 5x lighter than concrete unlocking vertical extension opportunities

  • 2x faster structure construction thanks to off-site prefabrication compared to conventional methods.


ICAMAP is a member of BBCA, the first association promoting low carbon buildings in France

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