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Integration of sustainability risks into ICAMAP’s investment and risk management policies for Fund Management, Discretionary Portfolio Management and Investment Advice Services

Direct real estate investment


ICAMAP is member of the BBCA (Bâtiment Bas Carbone / Low carbon Building) association, which promotes low carbon initiatives and has created a label that certifies building exemplarity in terms of carbon footprint.


Indirect real estate investment and related investment advice


ICAMAP is convinced that integrating ESG considerations can deliver real value within our indirect real estate investments and investment advice. Embedding best practice into every aspect of real estate management makes properties more valuable, efficient and attractive. It’s a win-win situation for everyone, investors, users and all key stakeholders.


ICAMAP reviews how property companies have incorporated favorable business practices and ESG considerations. Being an active shareholder, ICAMAP uses its shareholders’ rights and engages with the management of property management to promote ESG considerations.


ICAMAP will follow its procedures to identify and mitigate ESG risks, although there can be no guarantee that it will successfully identify and mitigate all material ESG risks.

Integration of sustainability risks into ICAMAP’s remuneration policy


ICAMAP’s remuneration policy includes risk management measures with respect to sustainability risks whereas the structure of remuneration does not encourage excessive risk-taking with respect to sustainability risks and is linked to risk-adjusted performance.

No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors


ICAMAP currently opts out of the preparation and the publication on its website of the Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts (“PASI”) disclosure relating to the adverse impact of investment decisions on sustainability factors required by the article 4 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).


ICAMAP considers as of the date hereof that the expected granularity is not commensurate with the activities of its funds. 

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